Yoroi Quick Start
1. Install wallet
1.1. First you need to install the Yoroi wallet. You will need to disable any other wallet extensions such as Nautilus or SAFEW. Then clear browser cache and refresh page.
1.2. To install Yoroi visit the following link in Google Store:
- Yoroi: the wallet app;
2. Create a wallet
2.1. Click on Yoroi extension to open wallet.
2.2. Click on "Create Wallet" button:
2.3. Scroll to "Ergo" button to create a wallet in Ergo network:
2.4. Type wallet name (of your choice) and wallet spending password:
2.5. Record a recovery phrase in a safe place! This phrase is the only way to restore your wallet!
2.6. Follow the steps that Yoroi suggests, and finally you will see the screen like following. That means that you've successfully created your wallet. Congrats!
3. Get assets
To get some assets to swap or to provide liquidity first you will need to transfer them to the Yoroi address:
3.1. Get real assets
Get some ERG on one of the following exchanges (list of available exchanges) and withdrawal them to your Yoroi wallet address.
3.2. Get test assets
Just visit Ergo Faucet and follow suggested steps.
4. Connect wallet to Spectrum Finance
4.1. Go to app.spectrum.fi
4.2. Click connect wallet button
4.2. Choose Yoroi
4.3. Congrats! Now you are ready to start use Spectrum Finance! Your ERG balance will appear here!