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What Is Spectrum Finance?

First, it is essential to establish clear differentiations among the various aspects of the "Spectrum" as certain elements might confuse novice users.

  • Spectrum Finance: a brand name of the cross-chain decentralized exchange (DEX)
  • Spectrum Finance Ergo AMM: a set of ErgoScript smart contracts which implement Uniswap v2 like AMM protocol on top of Ergo Layer 1 blockchain
  • Spectrum Finance Cardano AMM: a set of Plutus smart contracts which implement Uniswap-v2-like AMM protocol on top of the Cardano Layer 1 blockchain
  • Spectrum Finance: a set of smart contracts which implement Uniswap-v2-like AMM protocol on top of Spectrum Network
  • Spectrum Network (Spectrum Protocol): a cross-chain smart-contract platform for building natively cross-chain dApps
  • Spectrum Finance User Interface (UI): a web (or mobile) interface which provides user-friendly access to the protocols
  • Spectrum Labs: the team of developers who are developing and maintaining Spectrum Finance protocols, its components, user interface and other products;